
Showing posts from November, 2023

Temptation 2 - Lead Us Not... (Luke 4:1-13) Calvary Baptist Cb

   For full message, see link at bottom The ancient Greek noun that gets translated to ‘ temptation ’ is peirasmos . Sometimes it is translated into E nglish as ‘ temptation ’ and sometimes as ‘ testing ’ depending on the context. There's a big difference between th e two ideas of temptation and testing .   W hen scripture talks  about being drawn towards doing something that we should not do because it is wrong , t ranslators use the word temptation .    I want to focus a b it more o n the second translation : testing . Same original word i n the original language, but i t gets translated differently.   God does test us. He does bring things i nto our lives that challenge us and make us marshall everything we've learned and the strength that we have built . He gives us the opportunity to flex the spi ri t ual muscles that we've been building to overcome a test s o that we know that we ar