
Showing posts from January, 2024

On the Same Page: Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:1-19)

    For full message, see link at bottom Weather and time , permitting I walk to the beach to eat m y lunch. One thing I like there is the pebbles. It's a roc ky beach, scattered with probab ly millions of pe bbles of different colo u r s , shap es and sizes. Every pebble on the beach is unique : some with stripes, some contai ning spots of crystal, all having come from differ ent places to fo rm this big ju mbled pile of colo u r and s hape.   An other thing I like about the beach is the waves . Again, each one is unique with its own shape , colo u r and size. They reflect the light of the sky : blue or green or gr e y. They're textured by the wind , sometimes smooth and sometimes rough . Every wave comes from the same place , arising out of that great lake. Every wave exists for a moment , rising out of a larger whole , and then after having its dance on the shore, blending back down into the lake again.   The stories we're looking a