
Showing posts from April, 2024

Doing Church 1 - Gather (Hebrews 10:23-25)

       For full message, see link  at bottom   Why does it make sense for us to ‘ go to church? ’ Why is it a logical human thing to do?   Whether you are a Christian , or not yet ; whether you feel like maybe you used to be but you're not so sure anymore ; whether you believe that humanity evolved from primordial forms or that humanity was shaped intentionally in the image of God by God ... I think we can agree on a few things : t hat hum ans are people of time , humans are people of place , and humans are people of people.     First, we are people of time . It has been joked that time is God 's way of keeping everything from happening at once , but it doesn't always work. We live in time as one of the dimensions through which we move . Time , from a human perspective , should be simple. It should be logical. It should move mostly at the same perceived pace in the same direction. But sometimes, as humans, we make sense best of time not as an eternity st