
Showing posts from September, 2024

Walk, Stand, Sit (Psalm 1)

2024 has been dubbed by political watchers as a “super election year.” Possibly the greatest election year in the history of the world. Political rhetoric and behaviour have ramped up in terms of hostility, anger and fear. How can Christians engage well with politics in such a difficult time ?   To see the full message, scroll to the bottom. T here are 150 P salms — 150 chapters in th e book —that are all poems. They are all the lyrics to songs that people sang to Yahweh God in their homes , or in their gathered worship in synagogues or in the T emple.   The Psalms aren’t all songs of praise reminding us of how great God is. Many of them are psalms of lament, the kind of song that c r i e s o u t , “ L ord have mercy . ” A lot of them are a combination of the two : lament ing , and then celebrat ing the fact that God has heard ou r struggle and our grief . One writer divides the different kinds of songs into p salms of orientation, psalms of disorientation, and p